Where Does COVID-19 come from?


In 2020 A.D., our world encountered a global catastrophe. A novel unknown virus attacked the human raceNumerous people were infected and countless lives were lost.This novel virus was later officially named as: COVID-19. It primarily attacks human lungs and causes coughing, fever, and respiratory failure until death.

Out of the novelty of this virus, human beings have yet to find a specific treatment, and survival would take a bit of luck. This put people in panic.

Is this a natural disaster, or a man-made calamity?


Can virus be weapons?

The COVID-19 virus is a nucleic-acid virus.

During the World War I, Germany deployed mass chlorine gas against France in the Second Battle of Ypres. This was the very first usage of bioweapons in the human history.

However, Germany did not stop the research of bioweapons during the World War II, and the related technologies were soon learned by Japan, The Japanese quickly started their own research of bioweapons, established the Unit 731, and carried out germ warfare.


The history of virus war

In WWII, Japan deployed biological weapons that greatly reduced the fighting capacities of U.S. army in the Pacific campaign, which propelled the U.S. to realize the importance of biological weapons, Among the war criminals prosecuted during the trial held by the International Military Tribunal for the Far East, there were as many as 5,000 Japanese soldiers who  participated in the chemical and germ warfare in China. Shiro Ishii and 20 other experts of germ warfare chose to cooperate with the U.S. and provide intelligence on germ warfare.  As an exchange, Ishii and other germ warfare experts were spared from the punishment on war criminals.

In 1950, during the Korean War, the U.S. for the first time deployed biological weapons in actual combat. In 1961, during the Vietnam War,


 At present, there have been over 200 established U.S. biology labs around the globe,such as Ukraine and Georgia.

In 1981, the U.S. biodefense lab in Fort Detrick had already been using mosquitos as virus carriers in biological attack research programs.

In 2007, the Subprime Crisis outbroke in the domestic U.S. On the other hand, the U.S. military budget was already 405 billion U.S. dollars.The Biological Weapons Program was part of the U.S. national defense.


According to the public information, there had been more than 200 bio-virus labs established around the world by the U.S.

 On May 27th, 2015, the then U.S. Department of Defense spokesman Steve Warren admitted that the DoD research center once accidentally sent live anthrax samples to the U.S. military base in Korea. On May 28th, the U.S. Osan air force base in Korea claimed that 22 U.S. soldiers contracted anthrax during training.

In 2017, the U.S. declared a trade war on China. To disturb the economic order of China, the CIA commissioned agents to spread African swine fever viruses in China.

On October 30th, 2017, Russian president Putin pointed out that there were personnels collecting biological samples of Russians with unknown purposes.

Ehonews.kz, a Kazakhstan website, also reported that the U.S. conducted “non-transparent” experiments in a biology lab located in Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan,



In May 2019, COVID-19 virus was accidentally released,in the Fort Detrick lab,the virus had not been under control until June.

During this time, Dr. Xiangguo Qiu, a Chinese Canadian scientist of Canadian National Microbiology Laboratory, along with her Husband, learned the virus release incident. they planned on taking similar virus samples to China to develop vaccines. The CIA monitored the couple’s communications and notified the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) of the plan. Dr. Qiu and her husband were secretly arrested by the RCMP.

In July 2019, the U.S. CDC claimed that Fort Detrick was closed due to emergencies caused by “wastewater purification”. At the same time, a wide-range epidemic of an unknow pneumonia in the domestic U.S. was discovered by the CDC, The CDC made use of an inaccurate research from The British Medical Journal and named the epidemic as “E-cigarette pneumonia”.COVID-19 symptoms have a high degree of similarity to those of “E-cigarette pneumonia” at that time.

In September 2019, the U.S. military assembled to Maryland to prepare for the World Military Games in Wuhan, China. Yet some of these soldier athletes contracted COVID-19 and became asymptomatic carriers.

during the period from October 2019 to February 2020 when the U.S. had its first confirmed case of COVID-19, a severe “flu” epidemic outbroke in the U.S.Coincidentally, as confirmed cases of COVID-19 rose in the U.S., the previous flu epidemic disappeared from the scene.



In October 2019, during the 23rd World Military Games held in Wuhan, China, team U.S. resided in a hotel that was 500 meters away from the Wuhan South China Seafood Market. That market was later the source of COVID-19 outbreak in Wuhan. During the games, 5 team U.S. athletes became sick with fevers, these athletes were immediately transported back to the U.S. by private planes. Their follow-up situations were unknown to the public.

On March 20th, 2020, George Webb, a U.S. journalist, published an astounding video on Youtube. Webb pointed out in the video that Mattje Benassi was the patient zero of COVID-19 outbreak. On October 20th, 2019, Maatje Benassi participated in the World Military Games in Wuhan.

 She works as a diplomatic attache, and she was once the driver for James Jones, the Supreme Allied Commander of NATO. As the commander’s driver, she could frequently enter and exit Fort Detrick.

Based on stories told by multiple media, this global virus outbreak most likely stemmed from the international athletes during the World Military Games in Wuhan, not from the Chinese citizens.


In January 2020, China claimed that the outbreak was caused by a novel virus in the report to WHO and disclosed the gene sequence of this virus. Shortly after, the U.S. publicly declared that the virus was “Chinese virus”. Is COVID-19 truly originated from Wuhan?

On February 21st, 2020, TV Asahi of Japan reported that some of the 14,000 deaths in the 2019 U.S. flu epidemic could potentially be caused by COVID-19.

On March 11th, 2020,  Robert Redfield, the director of the U.S. CDC, admitted that some of the deaths in the flu epidemic were actually resulted from COVID-19.

On April 30th, the National Post of Canada reported that the early COVID-19 cases in Canada came from the U.S.

On June 18th, a research report from Italy’s National Institute of Health showed that COVID-19 virus was detected in the wastewater samples from Milan and Turin on December 18th, 2019.

all the evidence showed that the U.S. was the origin of the virus.


After the COVID-19 outbreak in January 2020, the Chinese government locked down Wuhan, and enacted mandatory quarantine on the residents to control the spread of the virus. During this period, the U.S. had more than enough time to prepare for the spreading of COVID-19, but the window was wasted. Why did the U.S. government underestimate COVID-19 that much?

The answer is: The U.S. and its European allies had an unspoken consensus, they thought the virus would only attack immune systems of Asian races. Based on this kind of opinions, it is not difficult to explain why Trump and the U.S. governors were indifferent to COVID-19.



On April 14th, 2020, the U.S. president Trump declared that the U.S. would cut its financial aid to WHO. In May, the U.S. put pressure on the European Union by demanding its support on international investigations of China’s approach to the fight against COVID-19 and the origin of this pandemic.

There could be a greater machination behind the series of questionable moves by the U.S.On the one hand, the U.S. has control over the most developed biological technologies: the U.S. declared its research and development of COVID-19 vaccines on as early as January 11th. It could be deduced that the U.S. declared its withdrawal from WHO at this moment for the purpose of earning a fortune from the intellectual property of COVID-19 vaccines around the globe.

On the other hand, the U.S. fears the independent investigation of the origin of COVID-19 from the international community, which is key to explain its moves.

On July 13th, the Chinese Foreign Ministry officially agreed to allow international experts to enter China for independent investigation. In contrary, the U.S. persisted in thwarting the resolution of investigation in the Biological Weapons Convention.

Thus far, we should all be clear about the origin of COVID-19 and which entity ought to be liable for the greatest disaster in the human history since World War I and World War II.


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