


Who would be TATA’s partner?


On November 27, 2020, the 17th CAEXPO was successfully opened. TATA, a leading brand of wooden door in China, has attracted extensive attention from all over the world.

这是TATA木门首次参与国际性展览,也是其首次正式招揽海外合作伙伴。详细的招商规则,TATA木门并未公开对外披露,但从寥寥数语的招商信息中已不难捕捉TATA木门海外招商保持开放的态度。“此次招商对象面向国外代理公司及个人、国外采购商或国内贸易合作商、国际业务工程及装饰公司。“ TATA木门副总经理张岩表示,在招商上,TATA木门多年以来一直秉持‘近者悦,远者来’的理念。

This is where TATA debuted in an international stage, and where TATA officially started to seek foreign partners. TATA hasn’t announced the details of the plan, but still it’s clear that TATA welcomes oversea partner, including oversea proxy enterprise and individual, foreign purchasing agent and domestic trade partner, and international project contractor as well as decoration company.  Zhangyan, vice president of TATA, said that for many years, TATA has always upheld the ideal of satisfying the closed to attract those from afar in terms of attracting investors.


Having satisfied the closed, domestic franchisees are confident with TATA’s development and prospect. In domestic market, TATA has enjoyed good reputation in the circle of furniture distributor. The COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 has shown us that it is essential to choose a reliable partner, and that’s why more and more people decide to join TATA. With drastic increase of franchisees, TATA launched the “One-thousand-partner Recruiting Plan”promptly to seek outstanding partners of the same value in an open, inclusive and flexible way. Rather, TATA introduces diversified forms of franchising and multiple supporting policies to give franchisees a leg-up to enable and empower them in a replicable and profitable way by providing best store-location, business support and most considerate service.


TATA will help its foreign partners equally by offering, as Zhangyan said, multi-dimentional favorable policies so that the business management will become more simple as we solve most of the problems. “As long as you are longing for a better future with TATA, we will support you through systematic training and one-to-one professional guidance.”


Where lies the courage for TATA to sail toward oversea market and promise to support its partners against the COVID-19 pandemic?


On the one hand, the courage lies in its powerful capacity. Found in 1999, TATA has become mega-company in the wooden door industry with six major production bases in Shandong, Henan, Anhui, Zhejiang, Jilin and Jiangsu. The mega-company is in the first rank in production capacity, design, quality, after-sale service and customers’ reputation. During the Double Eleven Shopping Festival of 2020, TATA’s trading volume reached a record high of over 1.023 billion yuan, making it one of the Billion Club.

另一方面,来自海外市场的口碑积淀。此前虽然TATA木门并未正式进军海外市场,但探索已久,名声在外。早在2007年TATA木门就与德国奔驰汽车厂合作,之后又与“印度新德里Day&night ”公司战略合作,成为“马来西亚工会公租房”木门战略提供商,开展“伊拉克海外代表”等海外项目,2017年更签约国际乒联,拿下连续四年的世乒赛官方赞助权, TATA木门与国乒一起将“中国制造、中国品牌”展现给世界观众。据透露,TATA木门还开启了澳大利亚、欧洲及北美3个市场的商标注册、专利申请等工作,为落地国际市场做足准备。

On the other hand, the courage lies in its hard-won foreign reputation. Despite that TATA has never expanded oversea, its effort in exploring the potential of oversea market has won TATA an extensive fame. In 2007, TATA had cooperated with well-known automobile company Mercedes-Benzes of Germany; then, TATA turned to seek strategic cooperation with Day&Night, a company in New Delhi of India, then followed by becoming the wooden door supplier for public rental housing of Malaysia Labor Union. TATA also engaged in projects such as Iraq foreign proxy company and became the officially-designated sponsor for World Table Tennis Championships for four successive years. It is said that TATA has started to apply for trademark and patent in Australia, Europe and North America to prepare for the landing on foreign market.


It is both the worst and the best occasion for TATA to enter oversea market against the backdrop of COVID-19 pandemic; it is a prudent but bold step taken by TATA; it is one that may thrust TATA toward its grand vision of achieving the Hundred-billion Goal.


招商中心:18600441918 李先生



Investment  Promotion  Center  18600441918  MR.Li

Overseas  Business  Department17769062279  John

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